Ch. Sleeping Lady's Fallon

At the March AK Kennel Club Show,
Fallon winners Bitch BOS and becomes a new champion (3/22/08)
Fallon winners BOS (3/23/08) at the same show.
July 27, 2018: Our wonderful Fallon crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Here's Judy's Remembrance:
Fallon went to sleep in my arms - she was almost 15 years old.
Fallon was a wonderful girl! There was never a moment that she did not love life.
She got up by herself and she went over snow gates with ease until she passed.
She loved her furry companions. I wish I could have had her with me forever.
I love you Fallon forever.
Fallon wins both majors - July 2005 Kenai Kennel Club shows -
her first summer in the ring!

Fallon is awarded 2nd in Senior Bitch Futurity class at ABdFC 2006 Specialty

Fallon is a Steele X
Angel pup
Whelped November 2004
 Fallon & Judy at the Anchorage show.

Fallon & Judy in step
Alaska Kennel Club Puppy Sweepstakes, June 2005

Also > See her as a puppy with her littermates
See how Fallon has grown up -
Fallon x Webber Puppies born March 18th, click to see a slideshow of puppy pictures.