Ch Sleeping Lady Mist of Denali
Shadow and Candace SHADOW 2001 - 2014 AKC Champion and American Bouvier des Flandres Club Versatility Champion SLEEPING LADY MIST of DENALI CGC, HIT, HCT, CD, ASCA CD, RE, NJC, NCC, WV-N, TG-N, EAC, TN-E, NJP, OAP, MDSA SFD & N-Brace DCD Freestyle Champion and NADAC Novice Versatility Agility Title Almost 13 years ago, one of our early instructors told us, "This dog is going to be amazing!" We could never have expected his prophetic words to be so accurate. There was little that Shadow could not do or attempt. She could dance, beat border collies in agility, win three obedience highs-in-trial, hike the Appalachian Trail, herd sheep, pull a cart, do nose work, follow a track and appear at the Westminster Kennel Club show at Madison Square Garden. Shadow was an AKC breed champion and an American Bouvier des Flandres Club Versatility Champion achieving advanced titles in multiple disciplines. Her picture appeared on the cover of "Dog Fancy" magazine and in "Clean Run." She was on seven Bouvier calendars including a cover and is the Animal Planet breed representative on their web site. She was friendly and fierce, artistic and athletic, loyal and loving, bellicose and beautiful, simple and complicated, cooperative and stubborn, relaxed and aggressive, funny and seriousÉfull of life and (a bit) full of herself! She was the epitome of a bouvier. Shadow greeted each day with her bright, brown eyes...her tail wagging with enthusiasm and in anticipation of the day's events. There were speedy walks to get home for breakfast, morning lessons and stretching exercises, her grooming session, snoozes on a choice of beds and play time with her collie brother, Heath. There were delivery people to bark at and the ever-present hope that a cat would get "just close enough!" She liked Starbucks whipped cream, icing from all cakes, fruit salad and homemade treats. She could "dunk" a Nerf basketball, turn on a light switch and would chase her Frisbee for hours. Shadow helped us cut down 12 Christmas trees, traveled over 100,000 miles in her crate in our van, attended countless trials, posed for thousands of pictures, enjoyed almost 9,000 meals and opened us to a world of canine charm and possibilities. Her positive attitude and willingness to live life fully every day was inspiring. There was no "maybe" in Shadow; there was always "absolutely." Shadow loved to learn. Indeed, she taped her final freestyle performance just a week before crossing the Rainbow Bridge. She never gave up on herself or us. She tried everything we asked her to do always trusting us and giving unending effort. All of Shadow's traits...dedication, enthusiasm, strength, beauty and attitude...led to her success. But it was the depth of her character and her affection that led to her finest qualities...loyalty and love. She expressed joy, optimism and happiness every day and remains a constant reminder of the once in a lifetime bond that can be established with a wonderful dog. Our favorite title for her remains...Best Friend! ![]() ![]() A very fetching Shadow. ![]() Shadow greets each day with her bright, brown eyes, her tail wagging with enthusiasm and anticipation. Each event of the day - breakfast, a walk, grooming, training or play time is met with the same, upbeat attitude. Over the years, many awards and achievements have come Shadow's way: American Bouvier des Flandres Club Versatility Champion, American Kennel Club Breed Champion, obedience Highs-in-Trial, titles in freestyle, agility, herding, rally, back packing, carting, tracking, pictures in Clean Run, cover girl for Dog Fancy magazine, numerous calendar appearances and Animal Planet breed representative. These recognitions are a testament to Shadow's conformation, energy, cooperation and drive. But, Shadow's most precious title is Best Friend! All of her competitive success cannot compare to the joy she brings to us each day. At 12, Shadow still enjoys hiking, daily training sessions, learning new tricks, chasing her Frisbee and trying nose work. Her attitude continues to be, "What's the next challenge and let's get started now." All of Shadow's traits - dedication, enthusiasm, strength and attitude, have led to her success. But, it's the depth of her character and her affection that lead to her finest qualities - loyalty and love. Happy 12th Birthday, Shadow! Shadow is the new Bouvier face for Animal Planet! Woo Hoo!!! Click here to see a lovely birthday tribute for Shadow.
Shadow on the cover of Dog Fancy magazine! November 2008
Shadow finished her Rally Excellent title in December 2005
#1 Bouvier 2003 - Novice A
#3 Bouvier - Novice A & B Obedience for 2003
Shadow is now an official
Shadow finished her Rally Excellent title in December 2005
Sleeping Lady Bouviers,
Anchorage, Alaska
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, Sleeping Lady's Bouviers, All Rights Reserved |