Ch. Delux Sleepinglady at Runamok
April 24, 2018: Ch Delux Runamk McKaela at Sleeping Lady suddenly passed away. |
Thank you Sheri and Christa for allowing me to unconditionally love McKaela for 11 3/4 years. There was never a day that did not bring joy to me and all who knew her. She contracted Vestibular disease and died suddenly from aspiration pneumonia. My vets and I just cried and cried. McKaela was so perfect. I will love her always.
August 8th, 2016: McKaela is ten! |

Judy's birthday salute to McKaela: Happy 10th birthday tp my very special girly McKaela. You rule the roost with sweetness and determination. And you always make Webber behave. I love you! |
June 26th, 2015: Webber and McKaela were both awarded the Register Of Merit from the American Bouvier des Flandres Club! |
The Register of Merit (ROM) Program recognizes those Bouviers des Flandres that have had an impact on Bouviers in America. By recognizing the contributions of notable sires and dams, the ROM Program is a source of information for breeders in their quest to produce the exceptional dog envisioned in the ABdFC standard of excellence. |
September 4th: The McKaela X Webber puppies at one month! Big, rolly polly, chatty, and having fun. |
July 29th: The McKaela X Webber puppies have arrived! Four very big, fat, and happy pups. McKaela is doing very well and Webber has passed out cigars to all his friends. |
May 30th: McKaela X Webber puppies coming at the end of July!!!! This is a repeat breeding. Earlier litters brought us the fabulous Fire, Apple, and Desi.
August 5th: A veritable gaggle of puppies! Starting on Saturday August 4th and continuing into Sunday August 5th, McKaela gave birth to ELEVEN (!) puppies. Webber is feeling pretty darn pleased with himself. Here's a pic of a very happy and proud McKaela on Sunday August 5th. |


McKaela snuggled in on a cold snowy day. November 2011

McKaela is a new champion! Kenai 2008

Judge Hartinger awards McKaela BOS from the classes - June 2007 AKKC
Whelped on 08/08/2006
Ch. Trust Dusty VD Venenblikhoeve (aka Trust) X
Ch. Moonshine De Lux Calendar Girl (aka Callie)
Mckaela at 5 mos very full of herself.
Bred by Christa Townsend -
Runamok Bouviers
She is a Texas girl and the newest addition to Sleeping Lady's.
McKaela debuts in the ring - March 2007 - Alaska Kennel Club and Tanana
Valley KC
Anchorage, Alaska
 McKaela, May 2010.
 Webber and McKaela guard the doors.
Hang on Judy! !

She really loves the snow! - pictures at 4 mos.

Litter pictures you MUST see! Too cute for words! <
And, yes here are more litter pictures worth a visit! <