Sleeping Lady's Autumn "LULU"

January 31st 2016: Very sad news: LuLu and Rosie crossed the Rainbow Bridge within two months of each other. Below is a very sweet note from Robert and Debbie:
Dear Judy,
Two months ago we lost LuLu (aka Autumn) in front of us at home. Today we needed to put Rosie to sleep at the VetÕs office. Both of them lived long lives that gave us full and joyful companionship. As you well know, deciding when to say good bye to you friend is a heart aching experience and no matter how many times one does it the difficulty is never diminished. I read that Òit is better to do it two weeks early than one minute lateÓ and it is that philosophy that supported us in our decision today.
Its amazing how different LuLu and Rosie were. LuLu full of energy and fun while Rosie was stoic and sweet. We want to thank you for letting them into our lives and brightening everyday we were with them. It gives us comfort to know that they are together again at peace.
Much love,
Robert and Debbie

January 15th: The Chicago Herd gets together for fun and shenanigans: Leo, LuLu, Clover, and Rosie.
 Rosie and Lulu hanging out in the kitchen, where all bouviers like to be!

Lulu and Rosie

Autumn is a Fion X Jag puppy
Born Summer 2003

LuLu's new "little sister" Rosie
Visit Rosie's very own page
See the Family Album
Click on thumbnails for larger views of LuLu