Sleeping Lady's Zoe

Zoe lives in Chicago with Pam, Tom, & playmate
Zoe crossed The Rainbow Bridge early in September 2015. She was beloved by all who knew her and most especially her family. Here's a short slideshow and then a lovely remembrance by Pam.
I met Zoe at 10 weeks old in Anchorage, invited by Judy to pick her up and bring her back to Chicago. She would then meet her new friend Nikko, my Akita. She was a perfect angel on the long flight, unfazed by take-off, turbulence or landing. Riding home from the airport, she snuggled in my arms. She would be a snuggle bunny for the rest of her life.
I placed Zoe in her new house and she began wailing like a banshee. So loud, I was sure she could be heard all over the north side of Chicago. Nothing could distract her from the piercing vocalizing. I could do nothing but invite her out into her new larger home. This was when I realized that she would be a 'free range' Bouvier and one with a personality that would be a force and a delight.
She was very much accepted by Nikko, my Akita. All went well until Nikko snapped at this almost eleven week old puppy, who ventured near his food dish. Zoe seemed to say 'oh no, you didn't'. From then on Zoe had the toy the treat and the spot that she wanted. They became rough housing pals, running up and down the length of my Chicago condo, Zoe pulling at the loose Akita skin. Zoe ruled! Nikko, the big Akita, often needed an escort past the sleeping Zoe. He loved her as much as her predecessor, 'Coqui', another wonderful Bouvier.
Zoe lost her good friend Nikko, when she was seven. She had such a strong personality that we were not sure if she would want to share her home. Along came another Sleeping Lady Bouvier, Michele du Alaska, 'Michi'. Following traditional advice, we introduced them outside. Zoe had other ideas, without hesitation she invited Michi in to play and to share everything she had, while being the benevolent ruler 'top dog'.
Zoe's favorite game was 'Hide and Seek'. She loved seeking out my friend Renata, wherever Renata hid on three floors of a townhouse. Zoe found her over under and in between places, as though she had been watching as Renata hid. The most amusing was, Renata hiding behind a bathroom door. Zoe spotted her in the mirror and of course, did not go toward the mirror. Instead Zoe butted the door, as if to say 'get out of there, I've got you'. She was this alert and had thought processes that made her so much fun to be around.
Zoe was a good friend and company that will be missed and fondly remembered by us and her friends at Family Pet and the Dog Wash, who helped us give her the best life we could provide.

2 years old

Zoe is a
Finn X Hailey
pup born January 17, 2003
After falling on the ice, Zoe has been for underwater treadmill therapy. Watch her here. (March 2010)
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